Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

my new embroidery...

actually, i don't know exacly about the meaning of "embroidery..."

but wikipedia says : a stitch in the context of embroidery or hand-sewing is defined as the movement of the embroidery needle from the backside of the fabric to the front side and back to the back side...

learning something new, greaaaattt, fun & feel curiosity... hhmmmm weelll become addicted... hahahahaaa...

i wanna say thanks to all of my friends who always supproting me, helping me, and teaching me anytime... you all the best guuyyss... love you all...^___^

so, lets check my new collections in simple embroidery....
hope you like it...^____^

Lady Cameo Embroidery -- cameo, matsuno beads

the pink fissure -- druzy stone, matsuno beads

the purple couldron -- druzy stone, matsuno beads

the pinky eyes fringe -- druzy stone, matsuno beads

the simply red -- resin, japanese beads

how do they look...??? elegant & beautyfull isn't it...???

nothing special when they are stand up alone (stone, beads, needle, thread etc), but suddenly... abrakadabraaaa.... cliiiingg... they changed...^____^

for mbk Anik...

heeyyy sistaaa, im so sorry about my mistake last dayyy... my eyes getting worst... hahhaaaa... i made the brooch which is you didn't order...hihihihiii... i already fixed it and now, here they are...

they are ready to adopt...hihihihii... mwaaacchhh...

pesanan mbk Yuniii...^^

mbaaakkk yuniiiii... ini psananmuuu...hihihiiii....

happy shopping n thanks for trusted to aRienaa....^^


pesanan Mamii Deasy...^^

Mamiiiii... so sorry you've waiting too long for this brooches... actually, this is several new models from aRienaa... check this out...^^

hope you loved it... mwaaaaccchhh....


for Bintan...^___^

seems so long this blog was untouched hohohohooo... just pretended became a busy people...hahahhaaaa... omigod...wkwkwkwkkkk...

bintaaannn, this is your brooches...^^

thaaaankkkss a lot deaarr for shopping here, i'm waiting for your next order... mwaaaccchhhh...^____^


Kamis, 06 September 2012

New September...

haiii haaiii haaaiii... i'm back with my special design... beautiful isn't it...??? hihihihiii...

check this outtt guuuyysss...^_____^

bRacelet & ring
orange on wire
softly pink
sweet pink
small pin with wire
bluee on wire

wanna see the other aRienaa's collection...??? just come here...

if you want to order some of them & for more details, find me here...^_____^


Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

pesanan aii padang...

pesanan Aiii #1

pesanan Aiii #2

thanks darliing for shopping...^^

aRienaa's on wire creations...

aRienaa's collections with new design... check this out...

how do you think about this one guuyyss....??? beautiful, isn't it...???? hihihiihihiii....^^

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

i love yOu mOm, i love yOu dad...

mom, dad.... dNa just wanna say "I LOVE YOU..."

you're the most wonderfull mom & dad in this world,,, thanks for everything, and i'm so sorry i can't give you anything...

me, dad & mom @ Tanah Lot, Bali Island

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

from etiikk (part 3)

Etiiiikkkk,,,, thanks yaaa atas kepercayaanny kpada aRienaa utk melengkapi pesona hijabmu...hihihiiiiii.... "ojo kapooookkk...." wkwkwkwkkkk....

psti djamin 100% tmbah cuakeeepp kan pke bros hasta karya aRienaa...??? hihihiiii...

yoookk, nek lali dwoco meneh testimoni drimu...^^

sorryy saayyy pling bawah pin bb aku tutupin yaaahhh ndak dirimu dadi artis... wkwkwkkk...hihihiiii...

mkasiiihh yaaa saaayyy...

tak akan pernah bhenti blajar utk bsa membuat hasta karya yg lbih indah & menarik....^^
