Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

from etiikk (part 3)

Etiiiikkkk,,,, thanks yaaa atas kepercayaanny kpada aRienaa utk melengkapi pesona hijabmu...hihihiiiiii.... "ojo kapooookkk...." wkwkwkwkkkk....

psti djamin 100% tmbah cuakeeepp kan pke bros hasta karya aRienaa...??? hihihiiii...

yoookk, nek lali dwoco meneh testimoni drimu...^^

sorryy saayyy pling bawah pin bb aku tutupin yaaahhh ndak dirimu dadi artis... wkwkwkkk...hihihiiii...

mkasiiihh yaaa saaayyy...

tak akan pernah bhenti blajar utk bsa membuat hasta karya yg lbih indah & menarik....^^


Brooch Testimonials part 2

hhhmmmm.... here they said about aRienaa's collections...hihihihii...

Lets read together....^^

from mamah Ita @ Surabaya

from mamah Ita @ Surabaya

from aii @ Padang, Sumatera

thank yooouuuuuuu soo much sistaaaa.....^____________________^

Brooch Testimonials part 1

thanks a lot to all of aRienaa's friends who have been loyal with the aRienaa's work of brooches, tuspin etc...

aRienaa will always trying to improve the quality and make more beautiful design...^____^

aRienaa's nothing without you guuuyysss... thank youuu sooo muuuuucccchhhh...

lets hear what they said about aRienaa's collection...^^

from mbak Lucie @ Weleri

from mbak sisKa @ Jakarta

from Bintan #1 @ Bondowoso, East Java

from Bintan #2 @ Bondowoso, East Java

from kak aNti @ Mamuju, West Sulawesi

hhhmmmmmm.... feel so greaatt when they said like that... #luvyOu

blanket comments

hhmmmm... alhamdulillah,,, all of my costumers are very satisfied with the items that i sale...

here they said about my products...^^

from mbak Titik @Purworejo

from shinta @Boyolali

 thanks deaarr for shopping... #luvyOu