Kamis, 19 November 2009

thanks to you...

dddduuuuuuuhhhhhh.... sueeerrr deg2an g kruan nie prepare bwat bsok....

friday, 20th of Nopember its gonNa be a looooooooooooooonng day n of course dbig day for me.... you know why...??? hahahaaaa...thats my secret....:)

actually, i just wanNa say tHanks to my luvLy "aBie..."

thanks for always supporting me, thanks for always walking beside me, thanks for always having much time with me & thanks for being part of me.... "i love yOu day by day..."

God, thanks for sent him as an angel for me....:)

"just hope that this love will never ends...."

by. akoeajade@yahoo.com


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